Anya's Live2D Commissions

Terms of Service:

  • i'm currently in a very tight schedule with my life so i'm going to be extremely selective with commissions from now on.

  • Before sending me a question, please remember to actually have your model .psd Live2D ready before asking!

  • I'm more confident and sure in my quality of rigging moe anime girl face angles compared to male or any other anatomy, but willing to give it a try! Please be mindful that I'm still an amateur with rigging and still learning.

  • i use Paypal and that only for now, and will send an invoice of half the payment before i start and the other half when i'm finished. please don't ask to pay in full before i finish the model.

  • My process is Facial Rig -> Face Angle XYZ -> Body XYZ -> Physics

  • Let me know if you want to see a WIP and feel free to bug me about progress if I haven't sent any updates whatsoever in 3~ weeks.

  • Major revisions are limited to 1 free request, so please try to be as clear with what you want while being mindful of the fact that i'm not extremely skillful in live2D yet.

  • If you're low in budget, I don't mind doing a negotiation for a lower price; the payout is that there cannot be a specific deadline and I'll be doing it casually and whenever I feel like it.

  • I will NOT teach you how to use VTube Studio and how to tweak the model's settings as it differs from user to user, please just look up YouTube videos or ask someone else. ;;

  • If you happen to debut publically with the model I rigged, please do tag/credit me and let me know. I'd like to support my chiiiildren. ;_;

If you have read the terms above, feel free to check my prices down below.